Motherhood is
When he gets his mind set on something, he will do anything he can to get it.
But this mama just as determined.
To teach him boundaries and expectations.
To instill good eating and sleeping habits.
To teach him boundaries and expectations.
To instill good eating and sleeping habits.
To teach acceptable social and emotional behaviors.
To snuggle, hug, and kiss on him as much as possible.
To make sure he never wonders if he's loved.
To snuggle, hug, and kiss on him as much as possible.
To make sure he never wonders if he's loved.
He has this face he makes, when he's determined. I tried to catch it. But he heard the camera and decided he wanted to touch the lens.
It's blurry, and his little finger is smeared across the photo, but this is him. This is my life right now. Holding on tightly to the boundaries and expectations that we worked hard to instill since he was just a baby.
It's working, we are holding on and not losing ground. But every day this intelligent, determined little problem solver works to try and outwit mama. And I am loving every challenging, exhausting minute of it! I am blown away by the curiosity and mischief that fills my days. He understands EVERYTHING I say, and just in the past two weeks, he has tripled the number of words he says.
It's absolutely amazing to watch a child grow before your eyes. I am so blessed to get to spend every moment with him!
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