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07 October 2011

Project 52 | Worry | Week 40

Motherhood is


Because we can't control everything.

Sometimes they get sick and you do what you can to make them comfortable.

But it doesn't always work.

And this mama's heart can't help but worry a little.

(we are off to the doctor this afternoon) 

This sweet boy has hives. Did you really want to see a picture of them? Probably not, but he still too cute not to post it. (Plus, at least you can only see his face, it's even worse on his body...)

He's had them for over 24 hours and despite constant benadryl, he's still getting new hives constantly. At first I didn't worry too much, because he was breathing fine, and I got unexplained hives often as a child. As long as he was on benadryl, he didn't seem to mind them one bit. A bit itchy, but he's basically his sweet old self, which is amazing to me, hives are annoying!

But now it seems even the bendaryl doses aren't containing the hives at all. So, my ever reluctant, 'don't want to go to the doctor' husband, agreed we should take him in. We'll get him checked out this afternoon and hopefully get something in him to stop the cycle. The big question is, what's causing it??

I know with hives it could be anything from something in the air to something on his skin or something he ingested. It can even be from a bug bite or stress. But really, he's only 21 months, what kind of stress does a 1-year-old have?? We've changed absolutely nothing about his food, laundry, or anything. My guess it's something in the air thanks to the strong southern winds we have been getting. But we'll see.

For now, it makes my heart hurt a bit every time I look at him, because he looks so miserable. But he's not acting it! Prayers for healing, please, and for wisdom for the doctor to figure out what it is/what to do!

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